Set up single payments
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This guide covers step by step what you need to do in order to start accepting single payments with 8Pay.
We will assume you are the seller of a product called "Beauty Cream" which goes for 10 USDT and want to integrate a Pay button into your website.
Go to the Home page of the app and click on Receive.
Fill the required parameters then click on Create payment.
Once you have created the payment, you have 3 ways to share or embed it: QR code, Link or HTML button. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use the HTML button so click on Embed payment button.
The HTML code for the button will be automatically copied to your clipboard.
Go into your website's source code and paste it there.
Congratulations! Your 8Pay integration is now complete. Upon clicking on the button you just embedded, your customers will go through the 8Pay's checkout page to complete the payment process.